Create your website for success
Success is achieved when you and your organisation decide to get your hands dirty and work through the information and complete a documented online marketing plan.
The purpose of this resource is to create a solid long term successful website and web presence by planning for it. Luck will only get you so far.
This resource will help any organisation to develop a detailed online marketing plan.
The steps involved in the process are
Gather information and analyse the information.
Work out what needs to be done to fix the important issues.
Develop online objectives.
Develop strategies to achieve the objectives.
Develop the marketing tactics to fix the organisational issues and accomplish the strategies.
Document the details and thereby create an online marketing plan.
What You Will Achieve
The aim was to make this resource easy to work with and to appreciate the scale of what needs to be done. Designed to assist the common / novice person to complete an effective online strategy. There may be parts that will need to be outsourced (depending on the skill sets of all the people in the organisation).
It has relevance to both setting up a new online presence (usually a website) or for reviewing an existing online presence that may not be achieving the results expected. This guide is also very helpful if you decide to engage a website planner as you will be armed with relevant information about the steps required and what you need to review about the business to ensure you end up with an effective online presence. This will give you sufficient information on how to assess the skills of potential website planners/designers.
It is important to complete the market research and target market sections first then you can continue with other sections.
Read the whole document through then begin to complete the required sections. This will give you an overall understanding of the scope of what needs to be done.
This resource is not a start at the beginning and work to the end concept. The best way to use it is to fill in the sections you have information for and then research and study the sections you are unfamiliar with. This might lead you to having to rewrite and modify some information you have already detailed; however, this process will give you valuable information you may not have had without the process.
Your online marketing plan, developed using this resource, needs to be part of your overall marketing plan. By incorporating both your online and offline marketing efforts you will be better able to achieve the stated objectives of the organisation.