What are the objectives with an online presence?
What is it that you want to achieve with your internet presence or website?
Objectives must be firmly established before any design work is started on a web presence.
If you are unsure what the web presence is supposed to accomplish, then how can you expect a customer to understand why they should visit your site or respond to your online marketing effort.
In the following, rank (1 -10 etc) the most important purpose of your internet presence, where 1 is the most important then number the others from 2 onwards. Do not number or list any that do not fit with the vision for the website. Write down your list with the relevant importance number.
This is by no means a complete listing of objectives, you may have others based on your specific organisation.
[ ] Gain a favourable impression of the company or organisation. Improve company image.
[ ] To develop a qualified list of prospects. (generate leads)
[ ] To sell products /services directly taking credit card or other payment methods over the internet.
[ ] To encourage potential customers to contact us by email, phone, fax and so on in the hope of making a sale.
[ ] Improve overall customer service.
[ ] Cut Costs.
[ ] Save time wasted on repetitive tasks.
[ ] Educate Customers.
[ ] Automate communication with customers and/or distributors.
[ ] To provide up to date information to distributors regarding product information and price lists.
[ ] To provide up to date information to the public about products, prices and other relevant information or details about a new product service or idea.
[ ] To use a web presence to strengthen brand identification.
[ ] Support existing advertising and promotional campaigns.
[ ] Increase international presence of the company.
[ ] Test for potential new market niches.
[ ] To lower present overheads by using internet technology.
[ ] To position the company as technologically advance.
[ ] Build existing store(shop) walk in business traffic.