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The Team

Outline the team of people that will be working on this project.
Draw up a chart, list the areas of responsibility for each person.
List the various tasks to be completed including those listed below. You will throughout this workbook process, refer back to this section and add new tasks as they become obvious.
Who will be responsible for the online business side of the company?
Who will have overall responsibility and who will have responsibilities for certain parts of the online aspects of the business?
What roles will each person play in implementing the strategy?
Who will manage the website, email marketing, blogging, social media and so on?
What functions will be performed in house and by whom?
Which functions need to be outsourced? That is, if the organisation does not have the necessary skills in house, how will the required skills be obtained, such as hiring a web consultant for example.

Hiring a web planner

If you are going to employ a web designer, then to get what you need you have to specify exactly what it is you need done on your website.
If you do not outline exactly what it is you want, you will get wildly different quotes on wildly different approaches to the overall design of your site. Simply asking a web designer to give you a quote for a website is the worst thing you could possibly do.
Therefore, if you want to hire a web designer you have to specify exactly and accurately all the aspects of the work to be completed.
You will need to list the exact specifications for the task, including pages required, forms required, interactive requirements, photos required and so on.
That is the only way you will be able to compare quotes from various designers.
You can tell them to include any recommendations that they feel is necessary, but instruct them to price those aspects separately from your brief.
If you are inexperienced in web building it may be difficult to know exactly what can be done to serve your specific needs. That’s why a resource such as this can be an invaluable aid.
You need to see beyond the design. The design of a website is only part of the picture. using effective copy, designing the copy for search engine optimisation and online marketing are all very important parts as well.

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