Document the Plan
Document the whole process of what has been outlined in the workbook. It will become an invaluable aid to you and your organisation. It will make clear
The strategy for penetrating the market.
Delivering your products and services.
Retaining your customers.
Once documented you will in fact have a detailed online marketing plan to refer to and modify when needed.
Side Note
As you can see there is a whole range of issues that need to be sorted out in developing an online marketing plan.
The website planning will be enhanced if other staff members are involved in the process from the start. It is a good idea to bring the organisation together to get everyone involved in the planning and execution of the new website.
The best way to do that is to arrange for a staff seminar to plan a new website and what needs to be done. You can use this workbook as the agenda for the seminar.
A plan not an Idea
A plan that is in your head but not documented is nothing more than an idea. Websites that fail generally have no documented plan. Websites that succeed generally have documented plans and are researched and maintained.